Tuesday, May 9, 2017


I look back at this blogger as nothing more than a relic of my past. I use to be pessimistic back in the day. Weird, huh? I'm really optimistic nowadays. I can't help but cringe everytime I see this fucking blogger account. This account just reminds me of the kind of cunt I use to be.

Saturday, March 5, 2016

Boku wa tomodachi ga sukunai

 *Japanese accent* BOKU WA TOMODACHI GA SUKUNAI!!!! GOD DAMN THIS SHOW HAS A LONG TITLE. This show also goes by haganai and has the english title "I don't have many friends". Okay I'm sorry but TITLES ARE SUPPOSE TO BE CATCHY!!! I don't get why animes have such a fetish FOR TITLES LONGER THAN MY COLLEGE ADMISSION ESSAY!  watashi ga motenai no wa dou kangaetemo omaera ga waruiFUCK IT I DON'T SPEAK WEEABOO! SO recently I learned why light novels have long ass titles. It's is because PEOPLE BE TOO DAMN LAZY TO READ THE BACK OF THE BOOK FOR THE SUMMARY! To counter that, authors make the title the synopsis. CLEVER MARKETING STRATEGY!!! So what exactly does the title "I don't have many friends" even mean?

Basically, this show follows around some dopey blonde "delinquet" kid. Who goes to this club called the neihbors club. A club for people with no friends.... FINALLY A CLUB MEANT FOR M- ANYWAYS. Thing is, this premise REALLY BOTHERS ME. YOU CONSTANTLY SEE THE MAIN CHARACTERS IN THE CLUB HANG OUT AND BOND OVER HENTAI GAMES AND SHIT! Listen, you KNOW you're friends with someone if you play porn games together! But in all seriousness, these guys CONSTANTLY hang out with each other. Even on the WEEKENDS!  But ALL of them talk about how they don't have any friends. Uh WHAT!? ALSO, Remember this is a harem show. So, they are more than just friends, if you get what I'm laying down. cuz' ya know,  all the girls want to hop on this deadheads dick! *horse noises* These characters get pretty close with K-pop wannabe but NOPE. He apparently has no friends.

This anime doesn't seem to be that well revived as it's not even ranked in the top 1000s. So do I like it? YES, ACTUALLY! Despite all the complaints I have for this show, I would say that I not only like it BUT LOVE IT! This show made it on my top 25 favorite anime! Take school rumble a fairly well revived romcom that fans of the genre tend to love. I legitimately love that show DESPITE THE DICK TEASING (nisekoi, I'm also looking at you!) However with this show. It honestly seems more like a guilty pleasure. Honestly this show was so fucking dumb and retarded at times it was laughable! From the excessive loli fanservice.To the ironically funny main characer whos so generic it's laughable. To the weird and somewhat unlikable girls in a freaking harem. And the LAUGHABLY terrible romance. This anime is so stupid it's fucking genius! And the weird thing is, At first I almost thought this anime's stupidity was intentional. Because the show was so obviously terrible that it was hilarious. However PROTOTWISTU!!!! The show tried to pass off itself as being  fucking retarded. But it turns out it's actually a deconstruction anime! The show HIDES the fact that it's a deconstruction show. You see the deconstruction element of this anime foreshadowed from the very beginning. I was naive to call this show a guilty pleasure. Because the deconstruction elements TOTALLY SLIPPED PAST ME! The first 22 episodes of this anime play out like a shitty romcom but foreshadow the deconstruction elementsBUT BAM the last 3 episodes where genius! FACKIN' GENIUS! The last 3 episodes is when this show becomes a deconstruction anime! The show pretty much points out it's own stupid flaws and breaks down why the show itself is stupid.

To give you the most primary example of this anime being a deconstruction.Take the main character, kotoka. This guy's defining personality trait is his lack of one! I'm not joking this guy is FUCKING BLAND BORING AND STOIC! He just has the typical cliche "Oblivious nice guy that likes helping people". AND YOU SEE THIS TYPE OF CHARACTER IN EVERY ROMCOM ANIME! *crying voice* Why can't all romcom characters be as cool as harima! He sees yozora be a sadistic bitch, he sees see rika be a HUGE creepy perv, and he sees loli's get freaking naked. And this guy NEVER HAS A REACTION! He's so apathetic I find it almost amusing, kind of similar to how yu narukami from persona 4 the animation is. However. PROTOTWITERU the main character actually does have a personality! You see this with the last three episodes as you learn he just PRETENDS to be a generic main character. It's all just an act! *gilgamesh* faker. But really the reason he acts so apathetic is because he's SELF AWARE that he's in a harem. He doesn't want to show favoritism towards one girl because he doesn't want to hurt any of there feelings. YEA HOLY FLIPPIN' PIZZAS! That's pretty interesting! So this guy just PRETENDS to be your generic romcom character when deep down, he actually does have a personality! Inside that lifeless shell of a generic main character THERE IS A PERSONALITY!!!! If that's not deconstruction slapping you across the face with a wet noodle I don't know what is.

This isn't the only character that would be considered a "deconstruction character". So you think of a harem anime. You expect two things. NUMBER 1 CHICKS WITH HUGE TITIES and also chicks with cute and likable personalities. In contrast yozora, the main girl of this show is FLAT A BOARD! Also she's a fucking sadistic cunt and I can't see how anyone could call this BITCH a waifu! However that's the point. I mean the cast consists of a the most loyal chick ever, two girls with a big brother fetish, a girl who wants to ride your dick, and MEAT! *Insert mooing sound* Honestly even IF yozora was a half decent person she couldn't even compare to these other chicks. And that's what makes it so interesting! The main girl was childhood friends with the main charachter and CREATED the neighbors club just as an excuse to spend time with him. But as more chicks came into the club, ALL MORE APPEALING THAN HER really makes yozora not even a competitor for "best girl". Due to her sadism and pessimistic nature she is in almost every way "the worst girl". In most shows having the "worst girl" be the MAIN GIRL would suck massive giraffe dick *wisper* and we all know giraffe have big dicks...actually only I know that.ANYWAYS. as interesting as yozouras dilemma is, do I like it. eh!? I mean it's interesting and unique but the problem is. The writers did such a good job at making yozora dislikable THAT I FUCKING HATE HER! She's a bitch, she's a cunt, she's a bully, she's literally cancer embodied as an anime girl! Thing is, she's so dislikable that I can't even sympathize with her.

In the 25 episodes we've watched we've never seen her show any likable or sympathetic traits. Her character concept is great but the execution was done poorly! At least give her a sympathizing backstory or give her, you know, CHARACTER DEVELOPMENT! She's a bitch from episode 1 to episode 25 and isn't willing to change. Like maybe if we saw her have the willingness to change and TRY to be nice I'd be like, OH, I feel bad and want to route for you to be a better person. So maybe we could see her work her way up to being the "best girl"BUT NO, SHE'S A MEENIE WEENIE THE ENTIRE SHOW.

Honestly, these aren't the only two characters in this anime that are interesting and unique. You got Senna who basically is what created the "kamidere" architype. Senna, is in my opinion the best girl, as you see she's happy go lucky, pretty chill, like's hentai games and also TITIES!!! She also has a whole god complex as in, she's arrogant as fuck. But to be honest, when you're about as perfect in every way as she is her arrogance might be justified. I mean, Being rich, being the top in her classes, being overly attractive and on top of all that having a likable personality, everything about this girl, screams "best girl". And what makes me hate yozora even more is because you constantly see her bully senna throughout the show. All due to her being a jealous ass bitch. And this is the BIGGEST reason as to why I FUCKING HATE yozora! While some of the yozora bulling senna moments where funny. ALL OF THEM MADE ME WANT TO KILL YOZORA! How can I sympathize with someone as cruel as her. I might sympathize with flowey before I sympathize with yozora!

Next off, you got rika, not much to say other than SHE REALLY LIKES SEX. I'm not joking this is the whole joke her character is based off of...AND IT'S HILARIOUS. Unfortunately she looks kinda creepy but when she takes off those glasses DAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAYYYYYMMMN GURL! Honestly, this show despite being a romcom doesn't have good romance. Because I don't care for the main character so I don't care for his romance. HOWEVER, in the last 3 episodes, Rika was the one that pointed out the fact that kotoka is a faker. Rika has the desire to learn who kotoka REALLY is deep down. Her relationship and romance is by far more interesting than the main two girls. As she really brings out the best in our boring main guy. I easily ship these two. Unfortunate that she's not one of the two main girls of this show. So I highly doubt we'll see these two end up together.

Next off. You got two loli's. One of them is the main characters little sister. Ok first off, the legal age in japan is 13 and she's 11 SO EVEN BY JAPANS STANDARDS THIS IS CREEPY! Not to mention the whole incest thing. Yea I don't need to get into that. Next off you got the nun girl. Take index from a certain magical index and imagine her being a 10 year old and KABAM. you get what is THE WORST GIRL. I might have said yozora was the worst girl, but I'm not including loli's into the mix. Because, I kinda don't want to picture kotoka as a incestuous pedofile. Nun girl is an obnoxious spoiled little brat! It's creepy to think that this KID is a part of the harem. What's even more creeps is that there is FANSERVICE OF THESE CHARACTERS! WHY! THEY AREN'T EVEN IN HIGHSCHOOL YET! AND ONE OF THEM ISN'T EVEN IN MIDDLE SCHOOL!!!

Then you got some trans guy. He's biologically a female but in spite of that want's to be a SUPER MANLY MAN! The whole trans thing is played off for laughs and created alot of amzing cringe humor. We don't even learn he has a fucking VAGINA till season 2!When the main character found out he biologically wasn't a dude. I died of laughter man. Also, does anyone else think he looks alot like mikoto misaka?

Honestly, overall I would say that the BIGGEST strength of this show is it's character interactions. All the characters have a  unique personality. Seeing these characters interact with one another was hilarous. I found alot of yozora's sadism to be funny. (but also painful to watch at times), Then you got all the weird trans jokes that came with the dude who looks like misaka, and with rika you got a bunch of weird gundam sex innuendos. The comedy in this show due to the amazing chemistry the cast has is great as all of them play off each other very well.

A Lot of people say that this show needs a season 3. AND I AGREE. The last 3 episodes where SO interesting as we learned that this show was secretly a deconstruction anime! The show forshaddows the fact that it's a deconstruction really well. But now we finally get to see the show's deconstruction in FULL FORCE.So yea everyone should contact AIC BUILD STUDIO TO MAKE A SEASON 3! Also, what is it with animes never getting a season 3. You got a certain magical index, Baka and test, school rumble, a certain scientific railgun, HARUHI! Seriously, WHY CAN'T WE GET SEASON 3'S!!!

Overall despite this anime being both REALLY FUCKING STUPID and oddly intellectual at the end. I give this show a 7/10. To anyone who is a fan of the romcom genre I would HIGHLY recommend this show as it might be a different watch. As it deconstructs popular trends in the very cliched romantic comedy genre. This has been your host mightypie, Subscribe for more SEXY reviews. And as always, good night good bye and big balls.


*JAPANESE ACCENT* BOKU WA TOMODACHI GA SUKUNAI!!! GOD DAMN THIS SHOW HAS A LONG ASS TITLE. The English version of this title is "I don't have many friends". That is pretty much the premise of the show. As this show is a harem that follows your generic "delinquent" character. That seems more of a K-pop Idol reject than a fucking delinquent. As this guy goes to a club called the neighbors club. A club that is for people with no friends, (OMG A CLUB MEANT FOR ME!) And in that club you learn how to make friends!

What bothers me about this premise is you see the same cast constantly interact with each other and do friendly things and sometimes... more than just "friend" things if ya get what I'm putting down. WINK WINK NUDGE NUDGE! Ya know. CUZ THIS IS A FUCKING HAREM AND EVERYONE WANTS TO GET ON THIS BLAND GENERIC GUY'S K-POP PENIS! *horse noises* Ok no but really. This whole premise bothers me because these characters are all super close and actually have better character interactions in this show than I see in other harem shows of this nature. SO WHY DON'T THEY CALL EACH OTHER FRIENDS. Throughout the entire anime, despite these characters being close, they never once consider each other a wide group of friends!

This anime is fairly unpopular as I haven't seen any other good reviews of it. So would that make this anime underrated? ...Eh? Let me put it to you like this. You watch an amazing anime like fate/stay night the way you would eat a fine dish. But you would consume an anime like this like a bag of chips. I love chips but shows like this are a dime a dozen.

And that's not to say that this show is generic. See unlike most shows of this nature. This show doesn't fall under the troupe of having a tsundere character. WHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!! YEAAAA BUDDY! I DID IT!!! FINALLY FOUND A ROMCOM WITHOUT A FUCKING TSUNDERE CHARACTER!!! SOMEONE GIVE THIS SHOW A MEDAL FOR NOT FALLING FOR THE BIGGEST ROMCOM ANIME CLICHE!!!

However, that's not to say that this show DOESN'T fall into other troupes. For one. The main character is made out to be a delinquent. And for what reason! Not just this show! But most FREAKING romcoms fall under the trap of making the main character a delinquent when these guy's are just normal FREAKING PEOPLE! Not to mention. Our main character. BLONDIE. Yes he's so forgettable I can't be bothered to remember or even look up his name. He's BLAND AND BORING! He falls under the generic romcom main character mindset. of "just being a cliche nice guy" If that's the case why make him a fucking delinquent! I think the reason romcoms FEEL THE NEED to have these boring ass main characters in harems is so we the audiance find him so bland that we can insert OURSELVES into the main character. AND THAT'S HOW I THINK THE WHOLE "waifu" THING STARTED! Because the main character isn't worth a damn, we the viewers place ourselves into these characters and think WE are the one bonding with these sexy anime babes *horse noises*

Honestly, I might complain about blondie. But can I really blame the marketing for it? I can't decide if making the main character as generic and lifeless as possible was a good decision OR ironically a good decision so we can focus on DA GRILLS. DOSE HOT ASS GRILLS DAT I WANNA PUT MY WIENER ON! hey get your mind out of the gutter! I said grill not girls! Geez!

So do I like these girls.... uh no I kinda fucking hate all of them. Well, I do like one of them. I love senna. First off TITS!!! Okay I'm not a pervert, I actually do like her personality. She's kind, sweet. and I find her whole arrogant rich girl thing to be kind of funny. This is what I would like to call THE BEST GIRL. However, the main girl is yozura... and yea. THIS CHICK IS A CUNT! No joke, her whole character is based on her being sadistic cold and a fucking BULLY. Not to menton, she constnatly bullies THE BEST girl sena, witch makes me hate her ever more. And this is the MAIN GIRL! So how am I expected to like the main girl if she's a bitch! Honestly maybe I would prefer a generic tsundere over her! Tsundere's are bitches in endearing ways. This girl is a bitch in a very realistic way. While the realism might be seen as a positive thing. Considering this is a harem show where the girls are treated as "prizes" It's kind of hard to like someone who's a total cunt. However, As a character I will admit she is interesting, her sadism and her "lack of appeal" is what actually makes her a GOOD and interesting character. She would be a great character if she wasn't in a harem.

The other characters are just forgetable. You got two loli's. One of them is the main characters little sister. Ok first off, the legal age in japan is 13 and she's 11 SO EVEN BY JAPANS STANDARDS THIS IS CREEPY! Not to mention the whole incest thing. Yea I don't need to get into that. Next off you got the nun girl. Take index from a certain magical index and imagine her being a 10 year old and KABAM. you get what is THE WORST GIRL. She's an obnoxious spoiled little brat and to think that this KID is part of the harem is just a bit creepy. and what's even more creepy is the fact that there is actually LOLI FANSERVICE OF THESE CHARACTERS! WHY! THEY AREN'T EVEN IN HIGHSCHOOL YET! ONE OF THEM ISN'T EVEN IN MIDDLE SCHOOL! Next off, you got Rika. There isn't much to say about this girl other than she likes sex. SHE REALLY LIKES SEX. I would say I like her as in SHE'S HILARIOUS. But she's a bit too creepy for my taste. But she is a good character as I find myself laughing at her perverse nature that would normally be in a pervy anime GUY but instead is a nerdy weird girl Lastly, you got the trans guy. He's biologically a girl, but wants to be a manly man like the main character. First off if being a blonde dopey weirdo is manly. THEN YOU GOT LOW STANDARDS. Second off, this character is actually interesting and the whole trans thing creates a LOT of hilarious jokes. She's overall actually a pretty good character.

Overall, while I do think 4 of 6 of the girls are good characters. Only 1 of them actually seems fitting for a harem. I mean there isn't a competition. Sena is both the most attractive and has the only tolerable personality for a waifu. I could see some people liking rika, but mostly for the "less pure" reasons than liking senna.

Now, is this show good? Eh, I'd say it's more of a guilty pleasure. I love this show. I really do. I'd say I give it an overall 6/10 meaning I really do like this show, I just don't love it. I'd honestly say this show is "objectively bad" But I love it. Why? Because despite the fact that I find most of these characters unatractive. The character INTERACTIONS are amazing. You see these characters really bring out the best in oneanother. They all play off each other SO WELL! and this is ironically not something I see much of in other romcoms as it normally always foucues on the guy and girl, rather than the girls, with the other girls. Not to mention. This anime is hilarous. With these characters really goofy and quirky personalites comes a LOT of jokes. This would probably go on the top 20 funniest shows I've EVER seen. Honestly, While I think this show is incredibly flawed I won't deny I had A LOT of fun watching it. And I would recomend this anime to anyone who just wants to watch a dumb yet funny romcom show.

So leave in the comments whos YOUR favorite girl. Mine is koboto! *Siren plays* I WAS FUCKING KIDDING I'M NOT A GOD DAMN PEDOFILE! My best girl is sena. If you guys like this video PLEASE SUBSCRIBE for more EPIC reviews like this and be sure to spank dat like button they way you'd spank your waifu's booty! And as always this has been your boy mightypie, good night good bye and big balls.

- I only like one of the characters in the harem
- I FUCKING hate yozura
- I hate loli's
- Loli's disturb me
- I hate the index like character
- This show is funny but almost every other aspect of it other than the amazing humor is terrible

Thursday, February 25, 2016

Worst anime ever: Pokemon

If you look at my anime list Pokemon is the ONLY anime I have EVER dropped. AND HERE IS WHY

First off, pokemon is based of an amazing videogame series. Pokemon red, blue and yellow. Video games that didn't have much of a story to begin with. So trying to turn this seemingly story less game into a 276 episode anime seems like a recipe for disaster.

They solve the story by having... ABSOLUTELY NO STORY AT ALL! Pokemon is an episodic anime that is 276 episodes long! Unless you're as good as detective conan this is destined to fail. So does pokemon have good episodic episodes. NO NOT AT ALL. Most of these episodes are very flat and are even more poorly written than the FREAKING NARUTO FILLER! The problem with pokemon is the main cast is not only DULL, BLAND BORING AND LIFELESS! But so are the one off characters. and that's the problem. If you want to have a good EPISODIC SHOW you have to have good one off characters. Take cowboy bebop for example, in almost every episode, the one off characters are all given a bit of backstory and a reason for you to care and route for or against them. With pokemon the one off characters are bland boring and fucking forgettable. The biggest sin for an episodic anime to commit is to not have interesting one off stories. and pokemon falls right into that category

HOWEVER, pokemon actually does have an overarching story that is put into pause because of these episodes basically making these episodes...oh yea, FUCKING FILLER. 90% of the Pokemon anime is FILLER. To anyone that complains about the naruto filler hell. Please take a look at the pokemon anime and thank dear lord studio periot isn't as bad as studio jack. Filler in some anime, like a certain scientific railgun use filler to help develop there characters even more and actually make the filler good. BUT POKEMON DOES NONE OF THAT.

Also, if you want to skip 90% of the filler. Save yourself from it and SKIP THIS ENTIRE DAMN SHOW! The cannon episodes aren't much better than the filler episodes as the main characters are about as fucking bland, boring and lifeless as the one off characters are. And considering you see these losers every episode, ALMOST EVERY EPISODE OF THIS SHOW IS AGONIZING ughhh, I'm spending so much time talking about the story... BUT WHAT STORY!?

So you want me to talk about these lifeless characters I talk so shittily about. First off you got Ass ketchup. This kid, just as his name implies is an ASS. He's basically a generic shounen hero that has no defining character traits other than being a huge dorky LOSER. But despite being a dork is also made out to be "The chosen one". And for what reason? This dopey kid isn't memorable or cool like, naruto per say. He's just a stupid kid that loses a bunch of battles and doesn't really learn to be much better of a strategist by the end of the bloody series. This KID is way too immature to go on a vast and great pokemon journey. As the nostalga critic puts it. HE'S BORING AS SANDPAPER. Also, not to mention, his character design get's worse season by season and his annoying voice goes through anti puberty.

Now theres misty. Theres not much to say about her. Shes a generic tsundere that isn't cute or endearing at all. and doesn't even make the whole getting angry thing funny to the slightest. Also her voice is GOD AWFUL. She sounds like she's constantly annoyed, does the voice actor not know how to portray a different mood? I suppose not. Not to mention she sucks ass at battling and has a STARMIE BUT ALWAYS USES A STARYU.... Enough said.

Brock. brock BROCK!!!!!!!!! This guy is a gym leader but you never see him battle. His whole falling in love gag gets old after the second time. and oh, IT'S USED ALMOST EVERY FUCKING EPISODE. A character having a running gag can be used well if limited and done and different reasons. But this gag doesn't follow ANY of these rules. The gag isn't used limitedly, it's used every episode and it's never used differently its ALWAYS like. OHHHH NURSE JOY MARRY ME~~~~
(nurse joy): NO!
That joke is so cheesy it wasn't even funny the first time it was used. MUCH LESS THE 200TH TIME!!!! Also, he's a shitty pokemon trainer. He acts as if his zubat is a rare pokemon! Maybe if you would OPEN YOUR DAMN EYES YOU COULD SEE THAT YOU SUCK!

None of the three main characters seem to have much character development and whenever they do develop they usually ALWAYS go back to the way they where in the next fucking episode.

Also, team rocket. while I will admit that these guys can be occasionally funny and have more character development than the main characters. These guys are FORCED onto every episode with gag's that are usually NOT FUNNY. I would like these guy's if they showed up every here and there however, considering they are forced into the story and appear in more episodes than any of the main characters is FREAKING CRAZY. Maybe a show about them would be better as these guy's are more interesting than the main crew. However, because they aren't we are forced to just have them as TERRIBLE gag characters that are basically filler to the filler episodes!

Another funny thing is that, the pokemon actually get interesting character development, most notably with pikachu and charizard. You know your main cast SUCKS DICK when the characters, the pokemon that CAN'T EVEN TALK are more interesting than your main crew.

This animes biggest flaw is not the characters though. IT'S THE SHITTY FIGHTS. You don't even see real fights. You just see one pokemon from one side use there attack and it cuts to the frame where the other pokemon gets hit. It feels like a freaking MANGA. It's basically just moving manga, but the thing is. MANGA FIGHTS ARE ACTUALLY BETTER THAN THESE ANIMATED FIGHTS. BECAUSE AT LEAST MANGA FIGHTS CAN HAVE A SENSE OF CHOREOGRAPHY THAT THE POKEMON ANIME DOESN'T SEEM TO HAVE AT ALL!!!

Also another problem is this anime doesn't follow the rules of the game making the rules inconsistent and only work for whatever is better for the plot.

Overall, while this isn't the worst anime out there. And this show actually has decent a few decent episodes. The only reason I dropped this show is because I did not want to go through 273 episodes of BOREDOM combined with other seasons after it that make this anime have about 1000 episodes. I don't drop shows so I can learn from them. However, considering it would probably take me years to finish just the first season and be in agony most of the way through.

My biggest problem is people seem to overrate this anime purely due to freaking nostalgia. Listen I grew up this the pokemon games and I use to love this show as a kid, however, you can't look at things through a pair of nostalgia goggles if you want to look at something more objectively.

Overall, what do you guys think, does this anime live up or do you think it's one of the worst anime ever, just like me. Leave your comments down below, and be sure to HIT that like button because that inspires me to make more videos. also Hit that subscribe button for more awesome animated reviews like this one. This has been your host mightypie and as always, good night, good bye and bigballs

Sunday, February 21, 2016

Worst fanbase ever: SONIC

*posts weird fanart with a montage of me screaming*

At first I thought most sonic fans where trolls! but no. THESE GUYS ARE SERIOUS!!! just just

*posts more weird fan art with montage of me screaming*


Thursday, November 26, 2015

Subbed anime

For some reason when I watch a romantic comedy in subtitles I just can't enjoy it. It's probably because when a joke isn't told in my native language, it doesn't connect as well. The whole purpose of voice acting in a joke is to convey the tone. I can't convey the tone of subbed anime very well. Mostly because Im not reading whats happening 100% in sync with what they are saying. So to all of you anime subbed elitist fucks. Stop being fucking weeaboos, you dumb faggots.

Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Shantae and the pirates curse first impressions

I'm not a weeaboo I swear! Normally I only talk about anime on this blog. However recently I got a steam

I'm gonna be honest, I think the moment I decided I wanted to play was when I realized you play as a cute anime chick with nice boobs. (I think its gonna get harder to convince you guys Im not a weeb ;_;)

Part of the reason I don't play that many games is just due to the fact that I usually just get bored after playing through the first two hours. Ether a game just gets stale to me or I just get frustrated with not being able to get past a certain point in the game, and I refuse to look up a walkthrough. 

While I'm only halfway through tanline island (aka fanservice island) http://img03.deviantart.net/9038/i/2015/041/2/1/shantae_co_by_disembowell-d8hgpy7.png

I've played the game for over 8 hours, and that's more than I can say for most games. After 4  hours Im usually like "yea....Im done..."

I can honestly say, this game is incredibly fun and creative. If I could say this game takes it's inspiration from any one series, I'd say it takes pretty big inspiration from the metriodvania games. I've never completed a metriodvania game due to just being incredibly sick of getting lost every 10 minutes. It was fun at first, but I felt like 90% of the time I played those games, I would get lost just wondering "WHAT DO I DO!? WHERE DO I GO!?!?!?" Eventually, I just got tired and didn't find it fun to get lost at every corner. So I quit.

The reason I love Shantae, is I feel like the only time I've actually been lost is during the dungeons. While during metriodvania games, the whole world is a dungeon! And that's what's so genius about shantae. I like that the "action adventure" aspect is in moderation. On top of that, I never really found any part of the game so far to be excessively hard to find out what to do or where to go. I think the hardest part so far is when you have to get the squid oil from squid barron.

And even this wasn't too hard to figure out.

The other aspect to the game is the fact that it's also a side-scroller platforming game. And I'd honestly say even this aspect of the game is done REALLY well! All of the stages I've played so far feel so different. Scuttle town was a simple introduction to the game. Salavia island was all about timing. Spiderweb island was about precise movments, and tanline island is all about stealth. So far I'd say all of these islands are unique and fun in there own different ways. I'd honestly say that Spiderweb island is my favorite, mainly because Im a huge fan of halloween themed stuff (yea, expect a post about how much I love soul eater soon ;) http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-kRu_t1s2uPc/VJs1ApWUe0I/AAAAAAAAADE/c-Vu1RCFo_g/s1600/IMG_20141224_142207.jpg

And probably the best thing I can say about the game is the dialogue. I'm being honest when I say It probably has the funniest dialogue I've ever seen in a videogame. Almost EVERY SINGLE NPC has funny dialogue, and IN GENERAL, this game just has the silliest dialogue.
One thing I also like is the back and fourth funny dialogue between risky and shantae. They have a pretty interesting relationship, being old enemies and such. I also like how you got shantae who's really upbeat and cutesy and you have risky who's coldhearted and kinda cruel. There contrasting personalities really create for and interesting and funny relationship.

Overall, I'd honestly say this game is probably one of, if not my favorite platforming/side-scroller videogame! Everything about this game is just stellar.

Because most of you know me as the "pessimistic reviewer" I guess I can't go without having a few complaints I feel like the game is pretty easy. I've never gotten a single game over, I don't even think I've gotten close to getting a game over yet. I feel like most of the games challenge comes with finding out where to go first rather than having challenging bosses and enemies. Part of this probably has to do with the fact that a friend spoiled the fact that monster milk is broken as fuck. But in general, even without monster milk, I still feel like this game has been pretty easy.

Honestly, other than this, I feel like any other negative thing about this game so far is nothing more than a nitpick. I can complain about how the controls are bad for the steam version. Because honestly, It took me at least 20 minutes to find out how to get out of the shop menu. I had to press the "esc" button. In general, because I'm playing on a keyboard, I REALLY wish I had the option to actually CHANGE the keyboard settings because normally Im use to "X" being the attack button and "Z" being the jump button. But in shantae it's inverted!
But all in all, I actually have to THINK about problems I have with this game. In general, I've enjoyed every moment I've played of this game. I have plans of playing more when I have the time. As for other games I might talk about on this blog.... here have a hint.

"Fuck these birds am I right?"

Yamada and the seven witches chapter 179 review

Looks like we finally have a true yandere is the series (assuming you don't count Mikoto Asuka) And yes, Im serious, this bitch that loves miyamura, is a fucking yandere. Just look at this

O_o Yes, this is happening. A yandere is going crazy and tried to choke out miyamura! You might think Im joking, NO Im not, just read this shit right here

Okay I will admit, this is probably the only yandere scene with ando.Funny thing is, last week I joked about her being a yandere but now we see that ACTUALLY being a joke in this chapter!

Overall, I'd say this 4 chapter arc was pretty entertaining, It felt a lot like a throwback to Part one (Everything before chapter 91) because not gonna lie, In part two (chapter 91 and onwards) the whole story became alot more serious and less focused on the comedy, and I enjoy both. However, I liked that we get a throwback to part 1 with the supernatural studies club back together going on witch missions.

This chapter, and this whole arc had REALLY good comedy that I don't think I've seen this series has pulled off in a while, I will say the character development is kinda...messy. Ando just seems like a dumb bitch to me, and I dont really sympathize with her, especially after she comedically tried to kill miyamura. She seems like a crazy bitch! I think another problem I had with this arc is, while I love miyamura, Shiraishi wasn't in this arc. While I do like the fact that Miyamura gets an arc focused on him, I still want more yamada X shiraishi moments. Overall though, because the "election" arc had a LOT of story progression and this arc was completly episodic, I kinda hope we see more story development happen, because Im still really curious on what Yuri and the japaense chess club are gonna do. I also still wanna learn more about yamadas backstory, and I wanna see more development from Ushio and Odagiri.

Anyways, over all I'd say this arc gets a 7/10 and I give this chapter a 3.5/5 Good comedy, but the focus character ando is poopy. Also, just wondering

I cant be the only one that thinks these two would make a funny couple, right?