Thursday, February 25, 2016

Worst anime ever: Pokemon

If you look at my anime list Pokemon is the ONLY anime I have EVER dropped. AND HERE IS WHY

First off, pokemon is based of an amazing videogame series. Pokemon red, blue and yellow. Video games that didn't have much of a story to begin with. So trying to turn this seemingly story less game into a 276 episode anime seems like a recipe for disaster.

They solve the story by having... ABSOLUTELY NO STORY AT ALL! Pokemon is an episodic anime that is 276 episodes long! Unless you're as good as detective conan this is destined to fail. So does pokemon have good episodic episodes. NO NOT AT ALL. Most of these episodes are very flat and are even more poorly written than the FREAKING NARUTO FILLER! The problem with pokemon is the main cast is not only DULL, BLAND BORING AND LIFELESS! But so are the one off characters. and that's the problem. If you want to have a good EPISODIC SHOW you have to have good one off characters. Take cowboy bebop for example, in almost every episode, the one off characters are all given a bit of backstory and a reason for you to care and route for or against them. With pokemon the one off characters are bland boring and fucking forgettable. The biggest sin for an episodic anime to commit is to not have interesting one off stories. and pokemon falls right into that category

HOWEVER, pokemon actually does have an overarching story that is put into pause because of these episodes basically making these episodes...oh yea, FUCKING FILLER. 90% of the Pokemon anime is FILLER. To anyone that complains about the naruto filler hell. Please take a look at the pokemon anime and thank dear lord studio periot isn't as bad as studio jack. Filler in some anime, like a certain scientific railgun use filler to help develop there characters even more and actually make the filler good. BUT POKEMON DOES NONE OF THAT.

Also, if you want to skip 90% of the filler. Save yourself from it and SKIP THIS ENTIRE DAMN SHOW! The cannon episodes aren't much better than the filler episodes as the main characters are about as fucking bland, boring and lifeless as the one off characters are. And considering you see these losers every episode, ALMOST EVERY EPISODE OF THIS SHOW IS AGONIZING ughhh, I'm spending so much time talking about the story... BUT WHAT STORY!?

So you want me to talk about these lifeless characters I talk so shittily about. First off you got Ass ketchup. This kid, just as his name implies is an ASS. He's basically a generic shounen hero that has no defining character traits other than being a huge dorky LOSER. But despite being a dork is also made out to be "The chosen one". And for what reason? This dopey kid isn't memorable or cool like, naruto per say. He's just a stupid kid that loses a bunch of battles and doesn't really learn to be much better of a strategist by the end of the bloody series. This KID is way too immature to go on a vast and great pokemon journey. As the nostalga critic puts it. HE'S BORING AS SANDPAPER. Also, not to mention, his character design get's worse season by season and his annoying voice goes through anti puberty.

Now theres misty. Theres not much to say about her. Shes a generic tsundere that isn't cute or endearing at all. and doesn't even make the whole getting angry thing funny to the slightest. Also her voice is GOD AWFUL. She sounds like she's constantly annoyed, does the voice actor not know how to portray a different mood? I suppose not. Not to mention she sucks ass at battling and has a STARMIE BUT ALWAYS USES A STARYU.... Enough said.

Brock. brock BROCK!!!!!!!!! This guy is a gym leader but you never see him battle. His whole falling in love gag gets old after the second time. and oh, IT'S USED ALMOST EVERY FUCKING EPISODE. A character having a running gag can be used well if limited and done and different reasons. But this gag doesn't follow ANY of these rules. The gag isn't used limitedly, it's used every episode and it's never used differently its ALWAYS like. OHHHH NURSE JOY MARRY ME~~~~
(nurse joy): NO!
That joke is so cheesy it wasn't even funny the first time it was used. MUCH LESS THE 200TH TIME!!!! Also, he's a shitty pokemon trainer. He acts as if his zubat is a rare pokemon! Maybe if you would OPEN YOUR DAMN EYES YOU COULD SEE THAT YOU SUCK!

None of the three main characters seem to have much character development and whenever they do develop they usually ALWAYS go back to the way they where in the next fucking episode.

Also, team rocket. while I will admit that these guys can be occasionally funny and have more character development than the main characters. These guys are FORCED onto every episode with gag's that are usually NOT FUNNY. I would like these guy's if they showed up every here and there however, considering they are forced into the story and appear in more episodes than any of the main characters is FREAKING CRAZY. Maybe a show about them would be better as these guy's are more interesting than the main crew. However, because they aren't we are forced to just have them as TERRIBLE gag characters that are basically filler to the filler episodes!

Another funny thing is that, the pokemon actually get interesting character development, most notably with pikachu and charizard. You know your main cast SUCKS DICK when the characters, the pokemon that CAN'T EVEN TALK are more interesting than your main crew.

This animes biggest flaw is not the characters though. IT'S THE SHITTY FIGHTS. You don't even see real fights. You just see one pokemon from one side use there attack and it cuts to the frame where the other pokemon gets hit. It feels like a freaking MANGA. It's basically just moving manga, but the thing is. MANGA FIGHTS ARE ACTUALLY BETTER THAN THESE ANIMATED FIGHTS. BECAUSE AT LEAST MANGA FIGHTS CAN HAVE A SENSE OF CHOREOGRAPHY THAT THE POKEMON ANIME DOESN'T SEEM TO HAVE AT ALL!!!

Also another problem is this anime doesn't follow the rules of the game making the rules inconsistent and only work for whatever is better for the plot.

Overall, while this isn't the worst anime out there. And this show actually has decent a few decent episodes. The only reason I dropped this show is because I did not want to go through 273 episodes of BOREDOM combined with other seasons after it that make this anime have about 1000 episodes. I don't drop shows so I can learn from them. However, considering it would probably take me years to finish just the first season and be in agony most of the way through.

My biggest problem is people seem to overrate this anime purely due to freaking nostalgia. Listen I grew up this the pokemon games and I use to love this show as a kid, however, you can't look at things through a pair of nostalgia goggles if you want to look at something more objectively.

Overall, what do you guys think, does this anime live up or do you think it's one of the worst anime ever, just like me. Leave your comments down below, and be sure to HIT that like button because that inspires me to make more videos. also Hit that subscribe button for more awesome animated reviews like this one. This has been your host mightypie and as always, good night, good bye and bigballs

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