Friday, February 27, 2015

Yamada and the seven witches 147 review

This chapter was fairly uneventful, so this should be a short review. Just like I predicted, the chapter would show tamaki's progress trying to become student council president, and as you see in this chapter, tamaki gives speeches, and he's getting better at giving speeches, while he's still by far one of the worst presidential candidates, he's still come such a long way from the loser that didnt believe he could ever be student council president, to what he is right now. While tamaki has a really small following, it seems tamaki's supporters are growing, and while so far it isnt enough to win an election, it still seems like tamaki is slowly climbing up there, I really like this because this really helps develop tamaki's character, because before this, the narrative LITERALLY makes fun how how much of a useless and pathetic character tamaki is, and him going from a loser, to a leader, is really interesting, and I think the character development of tamaki is going really well and smooth because he's still not a leader yet, but instead we are gonna see tamaki's slow progression. the only part of the chapter that bugged me was when tamaki said that he would become president without using the witch powers.



While on a writing standpoint I can see why they dont want tamaki to use the witch powers because that would be cheating, but at the same time, in the SAME chapter, tamaki also said he would leave the witch powers to yamada, witch makes no sense, so you yourself arent gonna use the witch powers to help your election, but your gonna get yamada to do your job for you??? wtf tamaki. and its really annoying because tamaki's erase power is so much more useful then yamada's copy power, tamaki LITERALLY has the power to erase the spell ichijo put on half the student body and elminate the competition easily, because he LITERALLY has the power to erase ichijo's powers, but he's gonna rely on yamada to do it.... why? yamada's copy power WONT GET RID OF THE SPELL'S PUT ON HALF THE STUDENT BODY!!! idk, while I do think from a writing standpoint, I would much rather see yamada deal with the witches rather than tamaki, I still think that because tamaki LITERALLY can deal with ichijo a LOT better than yamada can, I mean seriously, what can yamada even do to ichijo. well, I guess we'll find out.

Moving on the later part of this chapter is uneventful, basically kaori comes back and tells yamada that she feels like she belongs with the japanese chess club, so basically kaori is working against yamada now, but in return kaori said she'll do one thing for yamada, anything he wants that she can do, basically yamada asks for imformation on yuri and kaori says all she knows about yuri is that he has a crush on this one girl, and kaori tells yamada where to find the girl. then yamada tries to kiss the girl to put her under the witch spell so he can control her, to get imformation on yuri to take down the Japanese chess club yamada tried to force kiss her but yamada tripped on a book and got hurt and basically the girl left to go find a bandaid for yamada....

I dont even know what to say about this part of the chapter, there where a LOT of funny moments at this part of the chapter, so I really did like it, had a lot of laughs, I found it funny how miyamura was like "dude, yamada, kaori said she would do anything for you >;)" and there where a bunch of other really funny moments, I also found it kind of dumb that kaori said that she felt like she belonged in the japanese chess club, it seems kinda dumb to me, because if she always felt like she belonged somewhere, why the FUCK did we spend 2 chapters focusing on her character.... I dont know, hopefully we get more on that soon. Other then that not much else to say

All in all this chapter is 3/5 I predict next chapter we will get more information on yuri and it should focus more on yamada trying to take down the Japanese chess club. I also want more from tamaki, because I think it'll be interesting to see how he's doing, he said he would give more speeches, so I would like to see him improve even more.also something random, I'd also like to see shiraishi, I mean seriously she's my second favorite character and she's only been in 3 scenes this whole arc *_* I know that she literally cant be at school now because she doesnt want to burden yamada, but I'd still like to see her again soon.

Mightypie you posted no pictures from the chapter you lazy fook!!!

yea...too much work, I'm not doing that.

Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Yamada and the seven witches 146 review

Okay, I honestly have no idea how to write an interesting lead for a fucking chapter review so let's just get straight to it.
In this chapter, we see yamada try and fix Kaori's life, basically in this chapter, we learned that Kaori bullied noa to prevent herself from being bullied, as we can see that didn't exactly work out for her in the end. She doesn't want yamada's help because she has just accepted the fact that people are gonna bully her. However, yamada doesnt want her to accept that fact and he wants her to find a place where she belongs

At first I predicted that yamada would take Kaori to the supernatural studies clubroom (witch Im still hoping he will do eventually....) But instead he uses the witch power to react to Kaori's bulling "the yamada way"

As you can imagine, because HURRR HURR HURRRR YAMEDA IZZZ A DUMBFUK he screws up. He reacts to Kaori's bullies in really funny ways I'm not gonna lie I got a really good laugh at alot of the stupid shit yamada got Kaori to react to.
However with yamada making Kaori react to her bullies "the yamada way" he just ends up making the situation worse and Kaori's classmates think she's a retard now. (because, ya know, yamada is a retard)

I remember I questioned why most people dont like yamada? I think I have my answer, the guy is a fucking dumbass. He might be a really nice person, but the guy is just plain stupid.

So basically Kaori see's this one girl getting bullied in the bathroom and she ends up yelling at them and pretty much scaring away the bullies, it was unclear if it was yamada or kaori that did the action, However, considering the next scene I think I can assume that it was Kaori's action

In the next scene, you see Kaori confront yamada. Yamda immediately appolgies for screwing up. So Kaori kisses him to lift off the spell and basically tells yamada that:

Basically she's saying that, even though yamada was acting retarded the whole time he had control of her, because yamada acted retarded she realized that she's not really concerned with her image anymore, I would assume this means that she's gonna act the way she truly feels rather then just accept everything and act like nothing is happening. And the reason I think it was her action in the bathroom, not yamada's is because I feel like by her snapping and finally yelling at the bullies, she has finally embraced the fact that she isn't okay with this and she isn't just gonna accept this.

So overall, even though yamada acted like an idiot the whole time he had control over kaori, his dumb actions ended up really helping Kaori, and I assume that now that shes not just gonna accept everything, she's eventually gonna stop being bullied. The chapter ends with The girl that was being harassed in the bathroom thanking Kaori and them both walking home together, so it's shown that after all this Kaori is starting to "find a place where she belongs" because now she finally has a friend, I honestly don't know what the next chapter will encompass. I will assume that Kaori's really short 2 and a half chapter character arc has come to an end, and she might become relevant in the future, maybe just act as a spy for yamada so he can get more info from the Japanese chess club... SPEAKING OF WITCH,

Also, just a nitpick WE STILL DONT KNOW WHY KAORI IS IN THE JAPANESE CHESS CLUB!!! Earlier in the chapter she knew nothing about witch powers, so it's obvious that Ushio and the others have no use for her. When Kaori learned about the witch powers she said "so the Japanese chess club was just using me?" I would assume this means that They used Kaori as a decoy for yamada to waste his time on so they could have more time to win the election. But I still hope to get more info on that.

Anyways, my perdition for next chapter is we will have a plot progressing chapter, that involves yamada helping yamaki win the election. I would assume that the Japanese chess club just used Kaori as a decoy to buy time, but yamada still has enough time till the election to make Tamaki a good candidate for the student council president, while Kaori might apear in the next chapter, I dont think next chapter will revolve around her as the previous three have. all in all TAMAKI FOR PRESIDENT!!!!

This chapter gets a 4/5 Really nice character development with Kaori, to see her finally accept what she's facing, and also this chapter had some really nice comedy in it with yamada screwing up. Good night good bye and big balls.

Monday, February 16, 2015

I can't be the only one that finds this awkward....


Kise is the greatest member of the generation of miracles.

So I'm not gonna lie, when Kise was first introduced in kuroko no basket, he seemed like a really underwhelming member of "the generation of miracles" because this was the first Generation of miracles player that seirin played against and beat, I thought that kise would just be treated as a joke for the rest of the series, and for a while he was, he was constantly refered to as "the weakest" out of the 5 generation of miracles players
(well if you wanna be fair, out of the SIX kuroko is by far the weakest) 

Ether way, Kise was treated as a joke, that is, until his match against Aiomine, at first, the game between the two was set up to show how overpowerd aiomine was compared to Kise, to let the viewers know that seirin isnt gonna be able to beat aiomine as easily as they beat Kise. However later into that game, that all changed, Kise's special ablility, his "quirk" is the fact that he can copy ANY move he sees anyone do as long as the move isnt too hard to copy (for example kise said he cant copy any of the moves used by the other generation of miracles players because it would be too hard for him) This makes Kise similar to kakashi in the sense that he's a copy cat, he gets all of his techniques from others.

Kise pass through Aomine

At the beginning of the game between aimonie and Kise it was clear that Kise was a LOT weaker, he was treated as a joke compared to Aomine's superior skills. However, towards the end of the game Kise found the resolve and he was like "Im gonna copy Aomines moves and do his own moves better than him!!!" at first I was like "ah they're just doing this to make the game slightly more interesting, there is NO way fucking KISE could compare to Aimonie". I was wrong. Towards the end of that game, kise was on par with Aomine and at some points even played better than Aomine. and rather than that game being dedicated to showing off Aomine's power, the end of the game went to show how much potential Kise has, because he NOW can copy any move from ANY player, this guy has an AMAZING amount of potential. This is when I started to really like Kise and get invested into his character.

And I just finished watching Kuroko no basket season 3 episode 3.... MY GOD MAN!!!! Kise is made out to be over powerd as fuck!!! I think I can easily say with that, he's on par with every other generation of miracles player (except akashi) I mean, he NOW has the defense power of murasakibara, the shooting ability of midoriama, and the swift movements of aomine, the guy literally has the combined abilities of the other 3 generation of miracles players, and this makes Kise out to be a REALLY strong and powerful player, and STILL HAS SO MUCH MORE POTENTIAL. Im not gonna lie, I am SOOOOOO hyped for the game between Kise and Seirin, because unlike there first match, Kise is NOT a joke. While I will say that even if he uses the same abilities, he's still not as good of a defender as murasakibara, still not as good of a shooter as midoriama and still not as swift with movments as aomnie, but what convinces me that Kise is better than the 3 of them is the fact that this guy is an all around good player, all he needs is to copy kuroko's abilities to pass the ball and BAM, Kise is outstanding at all fields you possibly can be (other than rebounding). But just ether way, I am so hyped to see how much they are gonna develop Kise into a really threatening member of the generation of miracles, I really regret underestimating him and thinking he would be treated like a joke. I can easily say he's my favorite, and I honestly dont know how seirin will think of a way to beat this guy again, because he is SOOOOOO much stronger than he was last time.

I love how alot of sports anime try to make there main characters the characters that "improved the most" but so far, I can honestly say, that Kise has improved more then anybody (you can debate me saying that kuroko improved more, but COME ON, the guy only learned 2 new moves since the series began, and Kise learned THREE over powered moves.) I really hope we see Kise get in the zone, because my god, that is gonna be some epic ass shit.

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Yamada and the seven witches chapter 145 review

The manga could have ended at chapter 90 and I would have been totally fine with that, everything chapter 91 and afterwards, was still good, but just couldn't compare to the amazingness of the first 90 chapters...... At least that's what I use to think; Because MY GOD, MAN, these past 5 chapters have been like YOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO :DDDD I can honestly say that the series is as good as it use to be.

So before I get into the chapter, I'd just like to say that this whole are has a REALLY great set up and has given a lot of character development to tamaki, odagiri and the relationship between yamada and shiraishi.

Anyways, basically this chapter foucuses on the character kaori. The last chapter it was apparent that kaori was just a fodder member of the japanese chess club, miyamura realizes this and tells yamada to life the spell off of kaori,
 However, yamada decides to keep observing kaori to find out her relevance to the japanese chess club. While observing kaori yamada realizes that kaori actually has a pretty crappy life, she is constantly being harassed by her peers, has an abusive boyfriend and despite all that she still has her "happy go lucky" attitude.
 This is the heart of what I really loved about this chapter, last chapter when we knew little to nothing about kaori, she came off as a stupid rotten bitch, but this chapter really shows why she acts the way she does. In this chapter, she comes of a really interesting character just because you really want to see her develop and show how she really feels about the situations she's put in, rather than just put on a "happy go lucky" mask and refuse to look at the situation straight in the face.

I would like to make the assumption that the reason why kaori use to bully noa was because she found it as a way to cope with the fact that everyone in her own life treats her like shit. Kaori bullying noa was probably the only time in her life when she felt dominant and being her only way to relief the stress of her own life.

More into the chapter, Kaori's boyfriend admitted that he has always been cheating on kaori and broke with her, then because douchebag boyfriend is a fucking doucebag, he gets guys to hold kaori down, so she cant to anything to get him back, and then because douchebag boyfriend is a doubebag he tells the guys holding her down to "do whatever you want with her" when yamada is observing he snaps and beats the shit out of douchebag boyfriend witch scares the 2 guys holding kaori down.

Im gonna go off on a little tangent, but I'd like to ask, why does everyone in the series hate yamada? Yea I know the guy is a troublemaker and a dumbass, but I mean seriously, he was willing to help out a girl that was causing trouble for her. I can easily say that if I was in his position, I would not be willing to get into a fight with 3 different guys to protect a girl that has been causing me trouble. In fact most people wouldnt. Witch is why I consider yamada to be a great person. So why does everyone hate yamada again?

ANYWAYS, the chapter ends with yamada telling kaori to stop putting up with the bullshit in her life and do something about it. Kaori refuses,

 so yamada grabs her hand and does this:

I assume that yamada is talking about the supernatural studies club.

So all in all, I give this chapter a 4/5 and I am just gonna say that I really loved learning about kaori's character and I'm actually really interested into how there gonna develop her in the upcoming chapters. my only problem with this chapter is that we still havent learned why kaori is part of the japanese chess club. I mean seriously I doubt Ushio would allow anyone as irrelevant and useless as kaori into the club without good reason, and from what we seen from last chapter, it seems like ushio hates kaori as a person, so it isnt for personal reasons ether.

My predictions for next chapter is that we will HOPEFULLY finally find out why the hell kaori is part of the blub and I also assume yamada will get kaori involved with the supernatural studies club, to finally give kaori a place where she belongs witch will help develop her as a person. See ya'll next chapter. Good night goodbye and big balls.

Monday, February 9, 2015

Bleach fullbringer arc review - The good, the bad and the Y U DO DIS KUBO!!!! PLOTKAI!!!

Considering the way in witch the arranicar arc ended, I think it became pretty clear that Tite Kubo was desperate to find idea's to continue the story. While I will say that I DID enjoy the fullbring arc and that it was a good idea, I can't deny that it just feels so awkward. Once Ichigo beat aizen, nothing, I mean NOTHING else had to be accomplished, all the major conflicts have been resolved! and all of the major characters have been fully developed, THAT ALONE is enough of a reason to end your series. While I will admit that yea, squeals can advance the story and make you like them more, HOWEVER, there can be cases when the sequal can totally fuck up the story as a whole and ruin the story as a whole.... madoka magica rebellion movie 3 I'm looking at you.... thats another rant for another day

So how did this bleach fullbringer arc go?
 It was a roller coaster ride. theres A lot of good things about this arc, but there are also some really awful things about this arc that I just cant tolerate.

So basically after the arranicar arc, when Ichigo used the final getsuga tenshou
 he pretty much lost all of his soul reaper (shinigami) powers afterwards. At the very beginning of this arc, Ichigo states quite a few times that all he's ever wanted was "a normal life" however, as this arc goes on it becomes very apparent that ichigo is just lying to himself, to cope with the fact that he lost his powers, because deep down ichigo has a strong desire for power so he can protect others, and now with his powers lost, he feels very disappointed that he can no longer do what he does best, protecting what is important to him.
I can already say that this is a very interesting set up, with this premise for the arc, it gives a lot of room to give ichigo character development and will show us many parts of his personality that we havent seen before, I can honestly say seeing ichigo being completely weak and powerless is already very interesting.

But this obviously wont last very long. So ichigo pretty much encounters this So pretty much ichigo is encountered by a mysterious man named Ginjo, 
who offers ichigo to get his powers back. Ginjo is the leader of a group called "Xcution" the group consists of a lot of people known as "fullbringers". Fullbringers are human beings that are able to manipulate objects and pull the "soul" of the object to give it power (for example, orhime gets her power from her hairpins and chad gets his powers from his arms, basically both of them have been fullbringers, but this term has never been used before). SO, ginjo trains ichigo to get fullbring powers so ichigo can finally get some sort of power back, 
This pretty much is what most of the arc was, the whole build up of how ichigo is gonna get some sort of power back so he can protect people again, I think that this was very interesting, because basically ichigo couldnt even USE his fullbring until his powers where fully developed. 

In the background of all this ichigo stuff happening, a bad man named tsukishima is basically going after all of ichigo's friends, first it was infered that tsukishima was probably the one to cut uryu at the beginning of the arc (also can I mention that uryu was given the BITCH treatment in this arc, like my god, this guy has been hospitalized the whole freaking arc and only showed up at the very end of it! and even then he didn't do anything, and also he was knocked out in one hit by the guy who beat him, I mean seriously after the arranicar arc dont you at LEAST think that this guy would be strong enough to hold his own against a freaking fullbringer? not get beat up and hospitalized with one freaking slash! I mean seriously, unless his opponent was top 5 espada level of powerful, I call BULLSHIT, on uryu getting beat up in ONE FREAKING HIT!) anyways tsukishima also cut orihime, and because orhime has been attacked, ichigo know's something is up because both chad and orihime are hiding the fact that, orihime was cut by tsukishima, because they want to protect ichigo because they know his fullbringer power wasnt ready for battle yet.

I can already say that aspect of the arc was REALLY amazing, because just seeing ichigo being unable to protect his friends showed how desperate he was to keep training with the fullbringers so he can fully develop his power. Also just one thing I wanna add, ummm, arent orihimes boobs just a little bit ya know, TOO BIG in this arc! 
I mean seriously You Could break boards with those things. (ps I fapped to that pic lolol)

So pretty much when ichigo finally Completes his full bring from this is when the arc is at it's peak. Also might I add that ichigo's fullbringer form makes him look like a freaking arranicar! 

I mean seriously that design just screams hollow. So basically it is revaled that tsukishima's ability, is that when he cuts someone he can alter that persons memory and can forge faulse memories into thinking you're his best friend or something, and basically, tsukishima cuts ALL of ichigo's friends and family and gives them faulse memories to make them all love him. Now what does ichigo do? freak out. he punches tsukishima all of his friends and family are like "ichigo what are you doing tsukishima is our best friend)

and I can say this was HONESTLY the BESTTTT part of the arc, like YOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO just seeing tsukishima fuck with ichigo like that felt like something out of a horror movie or something, and just seeing how ichigo reacted when he realized, everyone he wanted to protect FROM tsukishima all turned against him and where given faulse memories to LOVE tsukishima, like YOOOOOOOOOO man, that episode just added so much depth to ichigo's character as a whole, pretty much ichigo just ran away from everybody just because he couldn't believe what was happening. All of this was just too good and was just so entertaining to see how ichigo just broke down, for once he didnt seem like a black and white character. 

so basically after that ginjo confronts ichigo and lures ichigo into a trap that tsukishima set, basically getting ichigo into a fight with tsukishima, and during the fight with tsukishima chad and orihime pop up and ichigo just loses ALL will he has to fight, just because he doesnt know what he's fighting for anymore, and then there is the big reveal GINJO HAS BEEN USING ICHIGO THIS WHOLE TIME! ginjo pretty much steals ichigos fullbringer from ichigo and ichigo is left powerless, he just knees down and starts crying, the guy just lost every shred of hope he had.

I can easily say that these where some of the BEST chapters in bleach, just all of this personality out of ichigo was just SOOOO DAMN INTERESTING!!!! ichigo was just completely helpless and for once didnt feel like a fucking mary sue! I've honestly never seen ichigo so deprived of hope, his character just felt so colorful, even more colorful then the way he acted before his fight with aizen. I would also like to point out that because of how much he psychologically fucked up ichigo, tsukishima is my favorite bleach villan, the guy is just so badass and I love how much he was actually able to traumatize ichigo, it made him seem so evil.

HOWEVER, after this, the arc turns into shit. 

First off right after ichigo pretty much feels so much dispair, everyone in the soul society shows up and rukia stabs ichigo and gives ichigo his powers back!!! I mean what the FUCK man! first off I think it would be more interesting to have at least ONE more chapter of ichigo just being hopeless. but also THIS ENTIRE PLOTPOINT IS FUCKING RETARDED!!! I mean SERIOUSLY this is SO FUCKING DUMB! this makes the whole purpose of the arc go to shit! I mean the whole purpose of the arc was so ichigo could get his powers back on his own right? okay and he did, and that failed. but what I dont get is WHY THEY DIDNT JUST DO THIS 2 YEARS AGO RIGHT AFTER ICHIGO LOST HIS POWERS IN THE FIRST PLACE! I MEAN SERIOUSLY MAN! WHY??? If they could have given ichigo his powers back WHY WAIT TILL THE VERY LAST MOMENT! I mean seriously NONE of this conflict would even happen if they just did that in the first place!!! I mean god damn! this is a SERIOUS plothole and makes this whole arc seem pointless and incredibly dumb. kubo, y u do dis, y u do dis kubo


But this isn't the only reason this arc has downsides to it. okay so after this, the arc just turns into the soul society vs. the fullbringers. before I get into the quality of the actual fights, let me just say that the fact that we go through ALL of this awesome story, just to have it end off with a bunch of fights seems a little dumb. and also, WHY DOES IT HAVE TO BE THE SOUL SOCIETY TO TAKE DOWN THE FULLBRINGERS, the whole arc was centered around the ichigo squad (chad, orihime, uryu and ichigo, rukia is also part of the squad so I'll give her an exception) but ether way, it seems anticlimactic that youre gonna have the soul society, the guys that had NOTHING I mean NOTHING to do with this arc be the ones to fight the fullbringers. WHY? I mean WHY! tell me! how is that a good idea! I mean literally the only reasons these guys even said they fought was because "any enemy of ichigo is an enemy of mine" SO WHY NOT HAVE JUST KILLED GINJO AND TSUKISHIMA TO BEGIN WITH!!! ugh, seriously alot of this arcs problems is the fact that ALL OF THIS CONFLICT COULD HAVE BEEN PREVENTED!!!

But it doesnt stop there, lets get to the quality of the fights, THEY ARE SHIT I MEAN ABSOLUTE SHIT!!!!! seriously ALL OF THESE FIGHTS WHERE WON BY 1 KIT K-O's Im NOT EVEN JOKING. Renji won his fight by slapping jackie with the fucking hilt of his sword OHHHH WOWWWW WHAT AN INTERESTING FIGHT! considering that was the ONLY MOVE RENJI EVEN USED DURING THE FIGHT! kenpachi won in LITERALLY one slash, byakuya was the one to fight tsukishima, WHY I mean WHY shouldnt ichigo be the one to fight tsukishima! I mean ichigo is the one with the grudge against him. the fight wasnt won in just one hit but it was still pretty damn bad. the other fights where also won by really stupid reasons. the only good fight was the fight with rukia, and the only reason I liked that one was because it was funny. but as a fight, IT SUCKED! I mean seriously all these fights are REALLY SHORT and a DISGRACE to bleach, I know that yea, the fullbringers where weaker than the espada's. if thats the case THEN WHY NOT HAVE THE ICHIGO SQUAD FIGHT THEM INSTEAD BECAUSE THEY ARE LESS POWERFUL!!!! WHY HAVE THE OVERPOWERED SOUL REAPERS FIGHT THEM!!! ugh...this whole setup was total garbage.

Now lets get to the final fight. Ichigo vs ginjo. so ginjo was hyped. Ginjo was said to have Hollow powers, fullbring powers, and ichigos spiritual pressure. okay so the set up for the fight is pretty good. how did it turn out WHAT THE FUCK MAN!!!!! ICHIGO LITERALLY BEAT GINJO IN ONE HIT WITH HIS BANKAI!!! WHY!!!! WHAT THE FUCK!!! Like UGHHHHH KUBO. I hate to call manga-ka's trolls BUT WHAT THE FUCK! I literally felt trolled, so you're gonna build up this awesome villan just for ichigo to beat him IN ONE SLASH!!!! UGH WHY WHY WHY WHY WHY WHYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY. ugh. this just speaks for itself, I could go into why this fight was shit. but I think you get the point.

And then after that the arc ends, tsukishima goes crazy, and riruka is pretty much like, I'll never forget ichigo.

Ugh. so what do I think about this arc!? 7/10 I mean the whole arc was good till like the last 10 chapters or so. I mean ichigo was really awesome and interesting. but I gotta say that I just CANNOT forgive the shittiness of everything after ichigo gets his powers back. I can honestly say this arc really did show that bleach really should have ended with arranicar, none of the soul reapers seemed like they needed anymore development and just no one else seems like they need more character development. I also hated how this arc shitted on the ichigo squad. Chad was useless like always when HE COULD HAVE BEEN USEFUL, Uryu was useless the WHOLE time, and HE GOT TAKEN DOWN BY GINJO OF ALL PEOPLE IN ONE HIT!!!! so basically get this, ichigo beat ginjo in one hit, ginjo beat uryu in one hit. WHAT THE HELL MAN! Way to give uryu the BITCH treatment! If uryu is that weak then my god, fuck uryu, you might as well have orihime as your fucking rival. ether that or ichigo is just SOOOOO OVERFUCKINGPOWERD!!! I mean seriously, normal ichigo for what we know couldnt even beat uqioura. ugh whatever Im not even gonna analize this, I think you get the point that kubo has fucking plotholes. This arc was great, had great moments, and was shit, and had shit moments. as much as I hate to admit it, bleach has the "cool rule" no matter how stupid it can be at times, the series is just so cool that I can forgive its shortcomings. Well now that I have this over with Im gonna give you my thoughts on the quincy arc next.

also IM NOT DOING FULL ARC REVIEWS AGAIN!!! this took me 2.5 hours! Fuck me man. also sorry if this isn't the most interesting thing, sorry I'll get better at reviewing and stuff.

Good night good bye and bigballs.

Let's do this son!

Going to make this an entertaining place to express my opinions on teh animu'z. I'm mainly doing this to just express my shelf and stuffzz but I'd also like to make this blog interesting.

Pretty much I'm just gonna make anime discussion rants and talk about what I'm currently watching and I might make full anime reviews...maybe. Idk. I also Plan to do chapter reviews of Yamada and the seven witches. Basically I'm just gonna talk about anime because I'm a weeaboo and a horrible person :) (I'm sorry mom)

Also, just to mention the only reason Im using blogger instead of tumblr, is because tumblr is too hard to navigate for a casual n00b liek moishelf. I mean seriously I took 2 HOURS to try and learn how to use it and I still DON'T know how to customize the layout! Not bashing to tumblr, it seems pretty cool place, if you're not a lazy fuqqqq like me. :P

Also yea, my background is a picture of Madoka, My friends like to point out that I use Madoka for like everything, ...I'm not a creepy pedo I swear!!!!!! *deletes internet history*