Monday, February 9, 2015

Let's do this son!

Going to make this an entertaining place to express my opinions on teh animu'z. I'm mainly doing this to just express my shelf and stuffzz but I'd also like to make this blog interesting.

Pretty much I'm just gonna make anime discussion rants and talk about what I'm currently watching and I might make full anime reviews...maybe. Idk. I also Plan to do chapter reviews of Yamada and the seven witches. Basically I'm just gonna talk about anime because I'm a weeaboo and a horrible person :) (I'm sorry mom)

Also, just to mention the only reason Im using blogger instead of tumblr, is because tumblr is too hard to navigate for a casual n00b liek moishelf. I mean seriously I took 2 HOURS to try and learn how to use it and I still DON'T know how to customize the layout! Not bashing to tumblr, it seems pretty cool place, if you're not a lazy fuqqqq like me. :P

Also yea, my background is a picture of Madoka, My friends like to point out that I use Madoka for like everything, ...I'm not a creepy pedo I swear!!!!!! *deletes internet history*


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