Thursday, April 16, 2015

Why an anime adaptation SHOULD be better than it's manga

This one might be a little obvious but this is something I've been thinking of for quite a while now, I think after seeing the first episode of the yamada and the seven witches anime this topic hasn't left my head.

For one, let me just say that ANY adaptation in general should be able to stand on it's own and the audience SHOULDN'T have to read the source material to understand what's going on; for example, if you make a movie based on a book the viewers of the movie SHOULD be able to fully enjoy the movie without having read the book that the movie is based on, this is the reason many movies based off books tend to fail in comparison to a book, because a novel is like 300 pages and a movie is like an hour and thirty minutes. However despite time limits, I believe a good adaptation should still catch the essence of the source material and make it smoothly fit in this new medium, and this especially goes for manga that is being turned into anime.

First off I'd just like to say that I personally like anime more than manga, and heres my reason, a manga is nice to read, but an anime has the obvious advantage, especially if it has a good dub. For one, actually hearing the voices rather than reading is a LOT easier than reading and many would find that more convenient, and anime ALSO has a soundtrack, a soundtrack in an anime can really help provoke whatever emotion that the scene is trying to make you feel, and thats a REALLY huge advantage that an anime has over manga, for example, I love bleach but reading it without the amazing soundtrack is just not the same, the soundtrack in that anime is AMAZING, its nice to listen to and also provokes the tone alot of these scenes are trying to give off, as a manga, I still FEEL the emotion the scene is trying to give off to the viewers, because the writing for alot of fight scenes in bleach can cause alot of tension and also is filled with badass moments, but in the anime, it takes the writing from those scenes and with the soundtrack it makes those scenes provoke those emotions even more, and just having a soundtrack is a HUGE advantage anime has over manga.

Another advantage anime has over manga is color... I mean this is pretty self explanatory, color is better than black and white.... and also better then manga's that dont use much grey tone and just use alot of cross hatching... (naruto I'm looking at you) I beleive that even the coloring for a scene in an anime can help provoke the mood as well, a darker show like deathnote has a darker color palette while a more lighthearted show like K-On has a very light color palette, seems like a simple enough concept. In manga because there is no color and it's just black and white, it once again doesn't provoke as much emotion as an anime would.

And the biggest reason is.... Animation... yea this is also self explanatory, having a motionless manga DOES promote the reader to use there imagination and animate the scenes in there head, but an anime already does that for you and is more convenient for the viewer, but more importantly, a manga is lifeless, it's just still pictures while an anime feels full of life, the animation really makes it feel alive and especially for a shounen anime, animation is REALLY important, because for a shounen battle anime, the most important thing is for the fight scenes to look as good as possible and make the fight come to life, this is a HUGE reason I like shounen anime better than shounen manga, It sorta kills the immersion of a fight if it's mostly still pictures, while you can imagine the fight animated, the animation for the fight in an anime will FULLY immerse you because your seeing this fight come to life.

There are more reasons I like anime more than manga, but These are the main reasons. also I'd like to mention that im in no way bashing manga, I read quite a fair share of manga as well.

But anyways, to my main point, BECAUSE OF ALL THESE REASONS, if an anime is NOT as good as it's manga, then it FAILS as an adaptation. An anime has an obvious advantage, it would be like if a person with crutches was challenged to race a person with two perfectly working legs and the guy in the crutches won...wut. I mean seriously, there are SO MANY animes I can think of that have a better anime then its manga.... Bleach, naruto, Blue exorcist (before the filler ending), A certain scientific railgun... yea. After seeing the yamada anime, I was just like... yea... no. I think it's FINE if an anime DOESN'T keep all the scenes from the manga, a great example is black cat, the anime is MUCH different from the anime and is SO MUCH SHORTER, but it still lives up to the manga, why? because it still captured the essence of the manga as well as being able to stand on its own and changed the story to work as a short anime, while I think the manga has a better story, I still think that overall the anime is better, because yea, coloring, the animation, soundtrack,voice acting and the first five episodes, while being completely different from the manga, the anime STILL MADE IT WORK! and it was genius! But when I looked at yamada and the seven witches, they didnt change much around, they literally just combined episodes and everything felt so fast pace it was garbage... like literally, they just tried to cram in too much from the manga in the first episode and completely skiped over alot of shiraishi's character development, while it has nice artwork and still has the same TONE as the manga, because it doesnt have that same character development and the amount of comedy the manga had, it just doesnt at all feel the same or live up to the manga. I know Im biasing this off of one episode, but point is, if your gonna make an adaptation EVEN if its gonna be short, you still gotta try and make it good as a standalone I mean seriously I wouldn't recommend watching the yamada anime before reading the manga first, considering how much they just glossed over, all in all, an adaptation STILL has to be good despite constraints and if the story wont fit you gotta use your creative rights for the series and change it around so it CAN work. Another example is A certain magical index, the fights in that show LITERALLY feel like they where from a light novel AND DONT FIT WELL AS AN ANIME! The directors for the anime really should have changed the fights so they would work as an anime and wouldnt feel so awkward, and they also should have changed toumas main ability up to work better for an anime as well, a light novel doesnt depend on good fights, so yea, for a light NOVEL imagine breaker doesnt seem as bad, but for an anime where your looking forward to the challenge of action and your main character has a broken ass stupid plot device of an ability, IT DOESNT WORK! All in all if your gonna adapt a story, make it work, especially if your turning a manga into an anime where the anime has the obvious advantage.

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