Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Yamada and the seven witches 150 & 151 review .....also kubo y u do dis.

Not gonna lie I Picked the wrong chapters to dual review... these have been 2 REALLY plot heavy chapters so where do I begin...

So chapter 150 starts with yamada trying to catch Hagiwara as requested by nancy, but everytime yamada tries to interact with Hagiwara he runs away... Not gonna lie I just wanna comment on one thing, Yamada has been established as a strong delinquent who gets into alot of fights since chapter 1... I find it kind of funny that whenever his physical strength (or speed in this situation) almost never helps him out, like whenever a major plot point could be solved by yamada just beating the guy up or forcing a kiss that almost never happens.

After failing yamada reports to nancy that he is unable to catch hagiwara, and nancy scolds him for it but accepts it and wants yamada to try again on monday, with that she leaves. After that yamada and Miyamura talk together for some time, and Miyamura is still convinced that for some reason, Nancy is hiding something, they cant trust nancy by asking her what shes hiding because nancy has the power to erase memories and that is a threat I assume they would like to avoid. But because Miyamura thinks that nancy, for a suspicious reason is trying to push yamada away from himekawa, that yamada should kiss himekawa immediately so they find out why nancy is trying to prevent the kiss. At this point of the chapter, I was skeptical to why nancy couldnt be trusted because I'm not gonna lie miyamura's reasoning isnt the best right here, but believe me later on in these 2 chapters, miyamura's reasons become WAY more apparent.

In the next scene we get some more Yamadaxhimekawa time... I mean I know they arent a romance, well at least not for now, but Im not gonna lie all the times they have hung out together it seems like they are in a romance or something. So anyways, yamada finally kisses Himekawa, and Im not gonna lie, this is the first time I think I've ever seen yamada so embarrassed about kissing someone (other than miyamura, but thats probably because miyamura is a guy, and yamada isnt gay so he doesnt like it when miyamura kisses him) After they kiss because Himekawa doesnt think that yamada has any more use for her, that yamada wont hang out with her anymore, and because of this himekawa starts crying, then yamada hugs her and promises that he'll still hang out with her. after that yamada is like "what the hell am I doing" probably questioning why he's being so touchy with a girl while he's currently in a relationship.

So I gotta say, i really liked this scene, Himekawa has only been in the story for a few chapters and they already established a strong and interesting bond between yamada and himekawa, I think all there interaction time is kinda cute tbh, and also just interesting how yamada feels like he's cheating on shiraishi by doing this. But I've already talked about why I think this whole situation was interesting previously so moving on...

In the next scene in yamada's house, Noa and Miyamura are in yamada's room and yamada gets a random flashback from himekawas point of view in the flashback, himekawa is greeted by a guy whos face for some reason is scribbled out. yamada questions who this unknown man is. but more importantly, yamada has discovered that Himekawa is a witch! also just gotta say this but: HA I PREDICTED IT! I KNEW HIMEKAWA WAS GONNA BE A WITCH! WHOOOO! ....sorry about that, I just get happy when my predictions are actually right for a change. anyways we know that the random flashback yamada had from himekawa's point of view is a witch power, we dont know the full details of the power, but the power gives yamada a random flashback from the person he kisses...well at least the flashback seems random, for now.

After that yamada reveals the flashback to Noa and miyamura, and miyamura is CONVINCED that nancy was trying to hide the fact that himekawa was a witch for some reason, and now miyamura's skepticism of nancy makes sense now, for not at least, we have no clue why nancy tried to hide that, but in the next chapter, we start to find out.

but with that, that was chapter 150, 4/5 stars, really good, full of events, I really liked the scene with yamada and himekawa and I think that the whole nancy fiasco is turning out to be pretty interesting. Now lets get on to the next chapter.

The chapter starts out with yamada kissing Noa and Miyamura to find out what the witch power is all about, we discover that the witch power gives you the ability to see a flashback of someones past of where they interact with someone they love.

Okay Im gonna go off on a bit of a side tangent, but im not gonna lie, after the first "saga" ended at chapter 90 I think the witch powers have gone down hill, I think the first 7 witch powers introduced where all really cool, but my god man, all of these new witch powers are ether REALLY overpowered or really underwhelming, I mean seriously, I think the first set of 7 witch powers we got introduced to where the best, all of them had certain limitations and where interesting to some degree. but some of these new witch powers, like the power to control someones mind, or the power to control someones emotions are really overpowered, and now this power, the power to see a flashback of someones past where they interact with someone they love.... my god thats an underwhelming power, I'm gonna be honest when I say that's probably the most underwhelming witch power so far. I think the only really good new witch power we got introduced to after the first set of 7 was the power to read minds, i think that whole arc was awesome, but other then that these new ones are kinda lame, ether being overwhelming or underwhelming.

ANYWAYS. Yamada suggests that the reason the guy in himekawas flash back had a scribbled out face was because in the past, himekawa had her memory erased.... and the pieces of the puzzle start to come together.... Nancy is a witch with the power to erase minds, we have been skeptical of her trying to keep yamada away from himekawa... yea nancy is up to something in the background here.

I gotta say that this is all REALLY amazing, because early on (like 40 chapters ago) they established the fact that yamada use to know nancy but couldnt remember her at all, nancy refuses to tell yamada where yamada should remember her from, I think this whole situation has something to do with that fact, nancy has been hiding things from yamada this whole time, and Himekawa is probably only part of it. I gotta say this is some pretty good foreshadowing considering yamada not remembering nancy was just a 2 page scene like 40 chapters ago.

Basically yamada, miyamura and noa go to school on a SUNDAY (yea how where they even allowed in, lol) and the go through old yearbooks and realize that yuri probably has something to do with this whole situation, yamada calls yuri on his phone, yuri shows up... and here is the big reveal

yamda sugests the person with the scribbled face in the flashback WAS YAMADA HIMSELF! and yuri confirmed it! yuri knew about this whole thing all along. Just in case you dont know the significance of that, let me just spell it out for you.

Basically, yamada didnt know who the guy with the scribbled face was, and nether did himekawa, and the guy was the scribbled face WAS yamada, witch means that BOTH yamada and himekawa had there memories erased in the past. pretty much yamadas evidence for this was the fact that, he felt like hes known himekawa for a long time despite only knowing himekawa for a few days. while his memories of himekawa where erased, his feelings for her where not, and thats why yamada and himekawa fell in love with each other so fast and easily, they both knew each other and had those feelings in place before, (its been established a long time ago, that if you get your memories erased, your feelings towards other people will not be.... yea touma, I'm looking at you.) with that, the chapter ends with yamada questioning, what was yamada's past relationship with himekawa like?

Okay I have SO much to say about this plot twist its not even funny. Just first off HOLY SHIT THIS IS SO GOOD! this chapter gets 5/5. (well It might get a lower score if in the next chapter they make this plot twist seem dumb, but I doubt it.) first off, we know that yamada had his memory erased... HOLY SHIT DUDE! from chapter 1 it was established that pretty much yamada had the copy power, witch is like imagine breaker where in, witch powers dont work on yamada. but this implies that, yamada had his memory erased BEFORE the whole series even began, witch means that a witch was probably targeting yamada since middle school, and could that have been nancy? Idk, My problem is, the yamada universe is confusing pretty much we know, the ONLY way to get a witch power is if you go to yamadas high school, NO other place in the whole WORLD has witch powers (well so far at least) and this means that it couldn't be nancy, unless nancy is a year older than yamada, because nancy couldn't have gotten the erase memory witch power until she was a highschooler, so we know this happened to yamada when he was in middle school before he got the copy power. I think nancy is the same age as yamada, so it couldnt be her...unless im wrong and nancy is a year older. I also gotta say, if yamada and himekawa where actually previous lovers, how would this effect yamda's current relationship with shiraishi? I know that yamada in the end of the story will still probably end up with shiraishi (because yamadaxshiraishi has been foreshadowed early on in the series, possibly even since chapter 1) but I'm not gonna lie though, i think its crazy to think that for once, yamadas relationship with shiraishi will be effected. I mean so many girls have a crush on yamada. Noa, odagiri, this one black haird chick whos name I dont know and now himekawa. Odagiri even said that she wanted to take yamada away from shiraishi one day, and they even had some moments together, like yamada once said that if shiraishi ever left him then he'd go to odagiri. and even odagiri didnt seem like she was any threat to yamdas relationship with shiraishi, I think its really interesting how himekawa a character we have only known for a few chapters has more of a chance of getting yamada then girls that have been in the story for a LONG TIME (like odagiri and noa).

I also just gotta say, Just holy shit man, I think nancys 2 page reveal 40 chapters ago asking if yamada remembered her and yamada being like "uh, no?" is finally gonna be answered, I'm really interested in seeing how nancy has effected yamadas life. Just anyways I think Im rambling at this point, ether way whats going on right now is awesome

150 gets 4/5 151 gets 5/5 and both combined is a 5/5 just all in all I am REALLY PUMPED to see what happens next chapter (seriously, I hate to sound like a spoiled bitch but the fact that I have to wait another week to find out is KILLING ME) anyways, sorry if this review was shitty, Im kinda lazy and I dont feel like revising anything I just wrote...#yoloswag I'll try and make next week's review better... and I probably wont duo review a chapter... wait a sec actually let me review bleach chapter 618 real quick

"because Im a quincy" WHAT THE FUCK URYU! THAT LINE WAS SO BAD IM TALKING ABOUT BLEACH IN A YAMADA CHAPTER REVIEW! I mean seriously the character that is smart and constantly questions morality has a stupid reason for trying to end the world "because hes a quincy" WHAT THE FUCK KUBO





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