Sunday, October 11, 2015

Getbackers is the most boring anime of all time!

I fell asleep while watching getbackers last night. YES, the show is THAT boring. So what about this show is so boring it actually put me to sleep? let's delve into it.

First off, THE MAIN CHARACTERS ARE FREAKING MARRY SUES!!! There catchphrase is that the getbackers recovery service has a "almost 100% success rate"  So the main two characters almost never feel challenged by the plot! And that's not all thats wrong with this duo, The biggest problem comes with the main character, Ban's, power. Ban's power is known as the "Jagan eye" Witch has the same ability as Aiziens zanpakuto, and we all know how much of a god teir marry sue freaking aizen is! Just in case you dont know, the "Jagan eye" has the ability to make the opponent see a hallucination, the opponent becomes distracted by this hallucination and then Ban basically has the ability to beat up the opponent while the hallucination is happening! This power is not only BORING because it doesn't create any interesting choreography for the fights, the opponent just stands there dazed, being like "DURRR WHATZ GOIN' ON" So not only is it a boring fighting move, but it's also overpowered as fuck! Whenever this move is used the opponent is unaware that they are even IN a hallucination! Making this power almost unavoidable when fighting ban. On top of that ,when you're in a hallucination, you cant see any reality of whats happening, so while you're under bans power, even assuming you NOTICE you're under the power, you can't do anything to fight back! With a power like this it's no wonder the main characters always feel unchallenged! And it's not just Ban, all the good guys are strong or over powered in there own way, Ban is just the worst offender.

Next off, the pacing for this show puts one piece to shame! With one piece I always feel like something is going on, but for getbackers, I feel as if every scene is incredibly drawn out and it takes FOREVER for any action to happen half the episodes are just them talking about the situation they are in! And even then, They aren't even strategising about how to fix that situation they are in, and instead just talk about a lot of pointless details. Nothing happening combined with the boring one sided fights when stuff actually DOES happen IS the reason to why almost every moment of this show is so damn boring!!!

Probably the biggest problem with this show is it's underwhelming cast, other than akabane who is a sexier version of hisoka from hunter x hunter. Every character in this cast is BLAND AS SANDPAPER!!!! First off theres the main character Ban, he's introduced with an interesting backstory, but his past never comes to haunt him or he never has to deal with it, they do absolutely NOTHING interesting with Ban's character and just throw in the backstory for no reason, and I feel the same way about his partner Ginji. The funny thing is, a lot of these characters have interesting personalities, Ban is a really chill cool dude and ginji is his energetic, upbeat and comedic partner. The only time these characters are ever good is during the comedy scenes, and thats the problem. Getbackers tries TOO HARD to be a dark and serious. Because we dont get a lot of comedy scenes we hardly ever get to enjoy Ban and Ginji, and even though both these characters have decent backstories the story NEVER decides to do anything interesting with it or try and develop these characters. The characters in getbackers never change, they are the same from episode 1 to the end! So, the show takes itself too seriously so there arent enough comedy scenes to make this duo seem funny, and even though this show takes itself seriously they do NOTHING INTERESTING WITH THEM AND DONT DEVELOP THEM! I can say the same for most of the getbackers cast, but the rest minus Akabane are too boring to be even worth mentioning. Believe it or not, but Ban and Ginji despite being boring are some of the more INTERESTING characters in this cast....

The structure of this show is very similar to "black cat" or "cowboy bebop" where these guys are kinda like bounty hunters that struggle with constantly being poor and go on a bunch of random missions to make money. All of these random missions create a bunch of "one off characters" that you only see during the mission they are featured in...and just like the main cast, the one off characters are BORING AS SANDPAPER!!!! And this is a major problem, considering these missions require HELPING people and you find the people they are helping to be so boring that you dont sympathize with them, THAT IS A MAJOR FLAW! If I cant sympathize with the people the getbackers are trying to help then that makes the whole mission seem BORING, POINTLESS AND YOU FEEL AS IF NOTHING IMPORTANT IS AT STEAK!!! and thats another problem with this series, The characters are never challenged, and what they are fighting FOR always feels "unimportant" or you never feel like anything is at steak!

All in all this show more boring than my mono toned history teacher! I might make a full review of this show later but for now good night good bye and big balls.

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