Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Yamada and the seven witches chapter 178 review

With the last chapter, I felt like the story was gonna take an infinite loop until it became "yamada and the seventy witches."Just because I feel as if the story is just introducing us to more and more girls that the audience gets to learn about, without actually making any progress on the story (as in, finding out yamada's true backstory, or resolving  the issues with the japanese chess club.)

Basically we learn about this girl named ando who stole kotori's notes on the students at the school, and now ando is spreading rumors, in this chapter yamada and itou find the notebook and we find out that the reason ando stole the notebook is cuz

Yes, it's because she has a huge crush on miyamura. Okay so get this. This bitch is basically planning on spreading rumors, witch could inevitably ruin other peoples reputation, because miyamura doesn't lover he back.... Yea, I honestly don't know HOW this makes sense, but Im sure we'll find out in the next chapter. But even without explanation I gotta say, THIS CHICK IS CRAZY! So for whatever reason she's gonna ruin others reputation because she has feelings for miyamura.

I will say this though, I am glad that we finally see a girl (thats not an NPC) actually have feelings for a guy thats NOT YAMADA, I actually think it's pretty cool that miyamura is getting some love, finally. But I highly doubt that matters because miyamura is also part of yamada's harem ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Other than that, I can honestly say that this chapter had pretty good comedy with alot of funny moments with the interactions between yamada and itou. This chapter is basically a set up for the next chapter, and I assume next chapter is when "shit goes down". All in all I give this chapter a 3/5 it was pretty entertaining.


  1. Replies
    1. Lol yea, I've been reading this manga weekly for over a year! I'll be sure to review every chapter.
