Saturday, March 7, 2015

The disappearance of yuki nagato FIRST IMPRESSIONS

As A HUGE fan of the Haruhi franchise I was SUPER excited to hear that they where gonna make an anime featuring yuki nagato.... Little did I know, The "disappearance of yuki nagato" is NOTHING like the melancholy of haruhi suzumiya. However, despite it being different from it's source material, is it still good?
 First off, the setting for the Yuki nagato series is different than the Haruhi series, this series is based of the alternative universe depicted in "the disappearance of haruhi suzumiya" movie.In this universe, Haruhi Suzumiya has never formed the SOS Brigade, And yuki nagato is NOT an alien, but instead a shy and tentative teenage girl, The series is a romantic comedy that revolves around Yuki crushing over Kyon and trying to get him to love her....

Already I can say this it up is A LOT different than the original haruhi series, the original haruhi series was a comedic slice of life anime with an interesting supernatural element to it, While The Yuki Nagato series, from what I've seen SO FAR, DOESN'T have that supernatural element to it. And I'd just like to say, that's probably a huge turn off for some of the fans from the original series, because the haruhi series was amazing because it revolved around the supernatural element that made it so interesting. I Don't know if the WHOLE Yuki Nagato series lacks the supernatural element, as I've only seen 5 of the 40 something chapters already out, but as said in the title, this is only a "FIRST IMPRESSIONS" However, despite this fact, I can still apprcate a good slice of life story even without a supernatural element to it, as long as it's still interesting.

As far as the story goes.... I think it's decent... kinda? I Gotta admit, I'm a little sad not seeing Haruhi in the story at all, and I'd also like to see that esper guy that johnny young bosh voices (Yes, I dont know his name, I dont even remember his character, I just remember he had a cool voice) The only major characters from the original series that they use, are Kyon and Yuki, and on occasion freaking Mikuru... and I'll just explain why this doesn't work as well as I'd like it as a "spin off" First off, The reason I like Kyon, was because the guy was a really good narrator and thats what made Kyon an interesting main character, but as a side character rather than the main character, he just comes off as bland and not very interesting, he seems like a nice guy, but to be honest, without him being the main character and narrating the whole story, he's just not an interesting character, So they already, they didn't do kyon's character much justice in this spin off. As for yuki, she's not even the same character she was in the original series, while I like the yuki nagato in this series, I like her for different reasons than I liked the yuki nagato in the original haruhi series, and that's mainly because, THEY ARE TWO DIFFERENT CHARACTERS! The only thing they have in common is there design and the fact that they like to read books, other than that, they are two TOTALLY different people.  Yuki from the spinoff  yuki from the original.

 Then there is Mikuru... I'm sorry but I just dont like mikuru, I liked FUTURE mikuru from the original haruhi, but the actual mikuru... Nope, She's just really dumb, and I hate to talk about a woman this way, but she's LITERALLY just a stick with tits. There is nothing good about her character, the writers just tried to make a character as cute as possible and ended up making a worthless character, seriously I dont even find mikuru cute, she just comes off as really frail and DUMB, and when your character and do the one thing he/she is good at, they are WORTHLESS!!! so I dont think that fans would be happy with this set up. They brought kyon back, but not as the interesting narrator, they brought a DIFFERENT yuki nagato, and they brought back the worst character in the show! so... yea, so far as a spinoff, I'm just not satisfied.

As far as it being a stand alone story, I actually like it, I think the humor is decent, I really like yuki, she's so freaking cute, and I actually enjoy seeing her crush over kyon and all that stuff, and she's a generally enjoyable character to watch, I will enjoy seeing if they actually develop her, so far she seems just too shy to admit her feelings towards kyon, but I would actually like to see her gain more confidence, To be honest, so far, the only character I find interesting is yuki, this probably will change as I read more, but so far yuki is the only interesting character. Also just a side note... Why is Kyon dating Mikuru.... just ergh, I know that him dating Mikuru will complicate things for yuki and make it more interesting, but god damn it, I cant find ONE appealing thing to mikuru other than her freaking boobs. shes just such a bland person. Ether way, the manga so far has gotten me interested just because I like the main character yuki, and I hope they do more with her character and build up her relationship with Kyon as the series goes on. Overall I think the series is decent, its not bad at all, but at the same time, not as good as I want it to be... So far at least. A problem I have is the fact that I feel like the whole story could be a different manga with original characters rather than the haruhi cast! I mean because it takes place in a different universe, you didn't even need the haruhi characters to write this story, literally I feel like the only reason they used the haruhi cast was to get more people interested in it. But nothing about the story makes you feel like they HAD to use the haruhi characters this spinoff is so different from the haruhi series that I honestly think if you just renamed the characters and redesigned them, I dont think anyone would be like "hey this is alot like the haruhi series" Just overall, the story is just so different from what I expected.

I'd like to say, that I'm reading the manga, I have not seen the yuki nagato anime (because it's not out yet at the time of writing this....) And I'd like to comment on the artwork.... First off I do think that the art in general looks decent. I usually have problems with mangas LACKING grey tone in there pages, but this manga has the OPPOSITE problem, This manga uses SOOOO much grey tone... Just look for yourself.

 while I Don't Hate the overuse of greytone, Actually I kinda like it, but I gotta admit, it looks kinda unfitting, Usually a manga with alot of greytone is usually a manga with a dark tone to it, like deathnote, while I do like the grey tone, for some reason it makes the series have this very dark atmosphere to it, witch seems kinda unfitting for a romantic comedy. Another problem I have with the artwork is the fact that as you see, Yuki blushes in EVERY SINGLE PANEL SHE'S IN!!! I will admit, I find Yuki to be really cute... But making her blush in EVERY panel is freaking overkill man. I just hope the anime doesn't have her always blushing, I dont mind it if she blushes alot, but it gets kinda old if she's blushing in EVERY SINGLE PANEL!

All In all I think the series is decent so far and so far I give it a 5/10. Theres so much I want them to do, for one, I want them to develop characters other than yuki and kyon and actually make the other characters more interesting. another thing I want is for them to introduce the supernatural aspect to it, I know that its just suppose to be a romantic comedy, But because its a spinoff from haruhi, it would be a real dicktease to NOT give us the supernatural element that was the selling point to the original haruhi series. also, I understand if you dont bring haruhi into the story, but at least bring the esper guy into the story, I mean if your gonna bring FREAKING MIKURU, at least bring in the esper guy. and if haruhi isn't in the story, I'd at least like to see a Camio of her in there. All in all theres alot I'm expecting from this story. I will be sure to make more blog posts on the manga and the anime when it comes out, so be sure to check it out! Good night good bye and big balls!

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