Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Yamada and the seven witches chapter 148 review

One of my favorite Stand alone yamada chapters of all time.

Ironically I was actually very annoyed with this chapter until the last page. lets get to it, shall we?

This chapter is very simple, Yamada has to kiss himekawa because Yuri has a crush on Himekawa, and yamada has to put her under a witch spell so he can get information on Yuri. seems like a typical yamada chapter, so far. Basically, yamada tries to kiss Himekawa and fails FOUR TIMES, and Im not gonna lie, I was VERY annoyed at this part of the chapter, I was like "god damn it, why is it taking SO LONG for yamada to his Himekawa, A totally irrelevant character to the overall story" at first yamada cant kiss Himekawa because Himekawa treated yamadas injury and yamada felt bad about trying to force Himekawa to kiss her. then during yamadas second try, because Himekawa is such a nice person, yamada just doesnt have the heart to wanna force a kiss on such a sweet girl, himekawa say's she'll kiss yamada if he sews something for him. Yamada sews that thing for her, and Himekawa questions why yamada wants her to kiss him, then yamada actually tells Himekawa about his entire plan to take down the Japanese chess club.

At this point of the chapter I was REALLY annoyed, first off ,you took 15 pages to lead up to this one kiss between yamada and himekawa to progress the plot.... AND THIS KISS HASNT EVEN HAPPENED YET!? Why!!!! I mean seriously, at this point of the chapter it was like COME ON, this is dragging on SO MUCH!. but on the second thing. YAMADA JUST TOLD HIS PLANS TO SOMEONE WHO COULD EVENTUALLY BECOME HIS ENEMY!!! This is just plain retarded, I know yamada is dumb, but even by yamada standards, this is just like... WTF ARE YOU DOING!? at first I thought yamada was being dumb by ASKING for the kiss rather then just forcing it and getting it over with. That is justifiable because yamada is a good person and doesnt wanna potentially hurt Himekawa, But to literally tell someone who you cant even trust yet, YOUR WHOLE PLAN, and how you originally planned to USE her, to tell her all THAT!? at this point I was this chapter is so bad, even by yamada standards he's being exceptionally dumb.

After this, Himekawa was actually impressed by yamada she called yamada a great person for doing all this because behind the scenes yamada was actually helping out all these people. Himekawa to this point is characterized as the sweetest person you could possibly imagine, when yamada first came in and started being douce and tripped she just wanted to help him, and now rather then being mad that yamada was planning to use her, she was instead impressed by yamada because she learned about all the great things yamada has done and plans to do.

So after this, Yamada STILL doesnt kiss Himekawa, at this point I was really annoyed, we literally spend 17/20 pages of the chapter accomplishing nothing and learning about a character that was probably gonna be irrelevant

that all changed untill the last moment in the chapter. HOLY SHIT

so in the last scene, miyamura points out the fact that, yamada has actually fallen in love with himekawa my first reaction was YOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO While yamada hasnt confirmed it or denied it, looking back, yamada blushed quite a bit during his interactions with himekawa, complimented her alot, cared for her feelings and even defended her when miyamura said "why would you tell her our plan" yamada replied "shes not the type to reveal our plans to others.

This is what made the chapter SO GOOD. Basically because himekawa is such a nice person, yamada couldnt kiss her to put her under the spell because he didnt want to use her because he had fallen in love with her. as a whole I actually think this chapter was really good, at first it seemed really dumb, but the fact that yamada fell in love with himekawa and couldnt follow through was such a good justification and REALLY makes things interesting, because yamada is already in a relationship with shiraishi, and because him and shiraishi have been apart for so long, I suppose yamada let his guard down and allowed himself to fall in love with himekawa, while this does distract from the main plot, my god this makes things interesting. I also think that himekawas character was actually well done, she came off as overly nice and even while reading it, I was like damn, this girl is such a great person, it was like I could feel why yamada likes her already. I also love how unexpected that was, Yamada has always kept his eyes on shiraishi and refused to like any other girls, but the fact that despite that yamada still ended up liking himekawa was really good, and this is perfectly justified considering the fact that yamada and shiraishi have been on a relationship break, so even though yamada would like to keep his eyes on shiraishi he ended up liking another girl. Im sure that yamada wont cheat on shiraishi or break up with her, in fact, I predict he's just gonna try and not have feelings for himekawa anymore. ether way, I think that this while situation complicates things and is really interesting, and I loved How it justified the whole chapter being really slowpace. ether way, I really loved this chapter 4/5 stars. I just like how this chapter initially seemed really slowpace but justified every thing in the end.

I dont know what to expect from next chapter tbh, I predict yamada will try and deny liking himekawa, but I honestly dont know. I'm just looking forward to the next chapter. I will say this, I think it would be funny/interesting if all this was planned out by yuri and himekawa is actually just acting like this to distract and interrupt, as well as possibly hurt his relationship with shiraishi, I know thats unlikely, but just saying that could happen. Goodnight good bye and bigballs.

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