Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Yamada and the seven witches chapter 149 review

One of the most uneventful chapters to review

The best way to review this chapter is the fact that it's just setting up for the NEXT chapter...I can summarize the chapter fairy quickly, here it goes: Yamada hangs out more with himekawa, they sew and stuff together, himekawa still wants to be part of yamadas plan because she wants to help yamada, she asks yamada to kiss her to put her under the spell, yamada cant bring himself to kiss her, in the next scene with yamada, miyamura and nancy, nancy says that yamada is wasting too much time, the student council president election is soon. Miyamura for some reason thinks nancy is hiding something and trying to prevent yamada from kissing himekawa (idk maybe himekawa is actually a witch or something...) Miyamura is like, yamada bro, just kiss himekawa already, yamada looks surprised. chapter ends.... even though I summarized it in a paragraph, with most yamada chapters I could literally go on an on about the events...

Ether way, here's my thoughts, first off, while I don't mind this chapter having no plot progression, it was still really annoying when you think about how yamada has had the same short range goal for 3 chapters and STILL hasnt done it, when in the past yamada could put random people under spells in just one chapter. While the slow progression annoys me, I still really like how much depth and how interesting this while situation is. I also like the development between yamada and himekawa, both of them seem to like each other, yamada refuses to believe it and himekawa is just shy about it, this development is actually very interesting, and the reason for that is just because you feel the tension of yamada's situation, being in a relationship with shiraishi, but not being able to see her, and now he's developed unwanted feelings for another girl. I just find that situation so interesting, I dont think I've seen this situation before in an anime (probably because I dont watch many harems...)

And to address the whole thing with nancy, I only have 2 predictions, Himekawa is a witch and she doesnt know about it and Nancy wants to prevent yamada from kissing her or nancy would want someone else to put a different witch spell on Himekawa. Honestly I think the first thing I said is the more likely of the two...

Other than that what can I say, I like the chapter even though it was uneventful, I think I would love the chapter more if I was marathoning yamada and not waiting for it weekly, when reading a series weekly, having a "set up" chapter is really annoying, especially considering out of these past 3 weeks 2 of them where, for the most part, set up chapters. All in the rating I give this chapter is a 3/5 still very enjoyable to read, and I'm hoping next chapter and the ones after that will be more eventful.

My predictions for next chapter are simple, I just think that yamada is gonna FINALLY kiss himekawa, and we get more into the Japanese chess club OR nancy OR see more of tamaki's development for being student council president. I think after this arc is over, I might make a whole discussion on tamaki, because as I said in previous chapter reviews, I really like his character development throughout the entire story, even though he's not a major character.

1. Im lazy, but I do plan to post pictures for reviews later
2. there arent any major events in this chapter artwork wise, I post pictures if I want my reader (My ONE reader,,,, ) to understand how something looks like, for example of I describe how ichigo's new bankai looks cool, I want to post a picture of it to show how it looks like, anyways, I plan to talk about the bleach 1000 year blood war arc sometime soon (hopefully before the next yamada chapter) so see ya then, good night good bye and big balls.

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